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“Working with Dana has been a lot of fun! She is open minded, creative and is an inspiring influence. Dana has a lot of interesting insights into the cards that she reads. Best of all she does the reading side by side the client rather than above them. I think this allows for a very comfortable, interactive experience where the client can participate. Dana has already taught me many things in the short time that I have known her and I am glad to have worked with her.”

                                                                                                                                         - Addie Halkin

“My reading from Dana was amazing.   I resonated with everything she was receiving from spirit.   If you want a reading try Dana you won't regret it.” 

                                                                                                                                              -Windy Post

“Thank you for spending time with me and reading my cards. I found the experience to be calming and grounding. You provided some points to ponder and reassurances about my direction. It was fun!”


“Dana did the best reading.  She made me feel welcomed.  I found it insightful and accurate with my life.  I recommend this woman, she's amazing!”

                                                                                                                                           - Raelynn Hronek

“Dana is a very connected person.  She is connected to energy, her guides and to her deck.  Being Dana's mentor, I saw her grow in such leaps and bounds over the course of 10 weeks.  She really feels into the energy of her client and pulls out information that is purely from a psychic level.  Dana is a gifted individual who loves helping others see their greatness and their path ahead.  I highly recommend Dana to anyone who is looking for an oracle card reading or a photo reading on a past loved one, to connect you with deeper sense of self.”

                                       - Kim Nicholls

                                         Northern Colorado Certified Psychic Master, Medium, Healer, Mentor, Teacher and Artist